
The 718 models were made for the sport of it. They are mid-engined roadsters that unite the sporting spirit of the legendary Porsche 718 with the sports car of tomorrow – and transfer it to the roads of today’s world.


A timeless design, a contemporary interpretation. The unmistakable silhouette of the 911 is characterised by its iconic flyline. It has barely changed since 1963, and has shaped the DNA of all Porsche models.


The soul has many facets. It is variable, constantly in motion – and reveals itself in a variety of ways. By a smile that expresses total delight. Or by the urge for freedom at the wheel of the new Taycan Cross Turismo.


Can a vision be logical? Is it even allowed to be? We believe that the more visionary an idea at the start, the more exciting it is at the end and the more it is worth fighting for. That was the case with the Panamera. A sports car for four with impressive performance and comfort.


We perceive experiences with all our senses. Of course, this also includes the feeling we have when driving our sports car. The new engine generation captivates with the power and sound typical of a sports car.


The Cayenne and Cayenne Coupé: both boast a striking appearance and impressive performance, with up to five seats. Whether you prefer embarking upon your next adventure in the Cayenne together with friends, or fall for the iconic lines of the Coupé, it is purely a matter of personal taste.


The 718 models were made for the sport of it. They are mid-engined roadsters that unite the sporting spirit of the legendary Porsche 718 with the sports car of tomorrow – and transfer it to the roads of today’s world.


A timeless design, a contemporary interpretation. The unmistakable silhouette of the 911 is characterised by its iconic flyline. It has barely changed since 1963, and has shaped the DNA of all Porsche models.


The soul has many facets. It is variable, constantly in motion – and reveals itself in a variety of ways. By a smile that expresses total delight. Or by the urge for freedom at the wheel of the new Taycan Cross Turismo.


Can a vision be logical? Is it even allowed to be? We believe that the more visionary an idea at the start, the more exciting it is at the end and the more it is worth fighting for. That was the case with the Panamera. A sports car for four with impressive performance and comfort.


We perceive experiences with all our senses. Of course, this also includes the feeling we have when driving our sports car. The new engine generation captivates with the power and sound typical of a sports car.


The Cayenne and Cayenne Coupé: both boast a striking appearance and impressive performance, with up to five seats. Whether you prefer embarking upon your next adventure in the Cayenne together with friends, or fall for the iconic lines of the Coupé, it is purely a matter of personal taste.


Mūsų automobiliai – technikos meno kūriniai.
Ir sukurti taip, kaip jūs norite.
Išskirtinumas. Individualumas. Rankų darbo precizika. Šios sąvokos visuomet siejosi su „Porsche“.
„Porsche Exclusive“ – tai automobilio pritaikymas jūsų individualiems poreikiams tiesiog gamykloje. Jūs pateikiate mums savo pageidavimus, o mes darome viską, kad juos patenkintume, – žinoma, jei tai techniškai įgyvendinama ir neverčia daryti kompromisų kokybei.

Gaminant automobilį pagal užsakymą, nepakanka naudoti pačias geriausias medžiagas. Pagrindinis mūsų siekis – maksimaliai panaudoti tradicinius, visą darbą rankomis atliekančių specialistų įgūdžius. Mūsų specialistai turi sukaupę ilgametę patirtį, kaip rankiniu būdu sukurti apdailą iš kietosios medienos. Tai leidžia mums atskleisti ir pritaikyti išskirtines šios nuostabios medžiagos ypatybes.
Ką galime pasakyti apie anglies pluoštą? Lengvas ir itin patvarus. Perteikiantis lenktynių trasos jaudulį. O apie nerūdijantįjį plieną? Labai tvirtas, švytintis, su chromuota apdaila – džiuginantis akis ir be galo atsparus karščiui bei korozijai. Yra ir dar vienas tiesiog nuostabus variantas: ypač blizgus anoduotas aliuminis.

Norėtumėte patobulinti savo automobilio vidų ar išorę, galbūt pageidautumėte sportinio dizaino ar sportinio automobilio išmetimo sistemos? Jūsų noras – mums įsakymas.

Asmeninis klientų konsultavimas

„Porsche Exclusive“ – ką dar unikalaus siūlome su kiekvienu automobiliu?
Ypatingų patarimų.

Viskas prasideda nuo teisingo patarimo. Svarbiausia mums – išskirtiniai jūsų norai ir pageidavimai. Kiekvienam savo klientui siūlome asmeninę pagalbą ir profesionalų konsultaciją. Taigi ko laukti?
Norėdami aptarti savo pageidavimus, susitarkite dėl susitikimo artimiausiame „Porsche“ centre. Taip pat galite susisiekti tiesiogiai su „Porsche Exclusive“ klientų aptarnavimo centru Cufenhauzene.
Cufenhauzene įsikūrusiame „Porsche Exclusive“ klientų aptarnavimo centre galite sužinoti, kas yra automobilio pritaikymas pagal individualų užsakymą. Čia, be kitų dalykų, galite pasirinkti medžiagas, išskirtinę apdailos medieną, dažų spalvas, jums patinkančią odą ir naudodamiesi programa „Porsche Car Configurator“ patys susikurti automobilio „Porsche“ dizainą. Siekiame parodyti, ką galime. Čia pat, šioje svetainėje, pamatysite, kaip klientų norus paverčiame tikrove – iki mažiausios smulkmenos. Kaip ir tikitės iš „Porsche Exclusive“.
Naujam „Porsche“ automobiliui suteikiama garantija galioja visiems „Porsche Exclusive“ siūlomiems variantams ir specialiems dizainams. Atkreipiame dėmesį, kad kai kurių tipų „Porsche Exclusive“ įranga gali būti pristatoma ilgiau.
Susipažinkite su naujausiomis automobilio „Porsche“ pritaikymo pagal individualų užsakymą galimybėmis.

Vidaus apdailos paketai su dekoratyvinėmis siūlėmis ir kontrastingos spalvos odiniais sėdynių centrais.

Unikalūs pavyzdžiai

  • 911 Sport Classic
  • Taycan GTS Hockenheimring Edition

Iconic yet modern

Taycan GTS Hockenheimring Edition


Porsche Center Riga offers wide range of services to new and existing customers icl. test drive of the newest Porsche models, diagnostics and repair of your current Porsche, financing and insurance services as well as sales of Porsche Tequipment accessories.

Sales Consultation

We will answer your questions.

You are thinking about one of our Porsche models but not sure if it will meet your expectations and give you the driving pleasure that everyone is talking about? Complete our booking form to schedule a sales consultation and our consultants will be happy to answer all your questions.

Let's speak online!

It is fast and convenient. We now offer online consultations about your desired Porsche models, buying options, availability, test drive options and much more. If you are interested to know more about any of our models, feel free to book a consultation online.

Maintenance & repairs
at official dealership

Porsche service centre

Be confident about the technical knowledge and expertise of mechanics by visiting official Porsche service centre at our dealership.

Porsche detailing

We offer Porsche interior and exterior detailing services which include interior dry cleaning, leather care, exterior polishing, ceramic coating, window coating, body repairs, etc.

& financial services


Buy OCTA and/ or KASKO insurance directly from us and you will receive an excellent customer service, individual offer, on-call consultations and an extra discount for service visit.


Both – purchase financing and lease options are available to support you in getting your new Porsche. Book a financial consultation and receive an offer that is tailored specifically for you situation.

Extended warranty

Drive without worrying up to 15 years or up to 200'000 km. Extended warranty for used Porsche is the same as a new car warranty. Enjoy your Porsche and put all the unnecessary worries on our shoulders.


Porsche Tequipment genuine vehicle accessories are on the market for more than 20 years. These high quality accessories can help you to transform your Porsche according to your wishes. Porsche Tequipment includes custom design exterior parts, wheels and wheel accessories, interior parts and trim, audio and communication systems, child seats, vehicle care products and more.


From €60,500.00€559 monthly

The 718 models were made for the sport of it. They are mid-engined roadsters that unite the sporting spirit of the legendary Porsche 718 with the sports car of tomorrow – and transfer it to the roads of today’s world.


From €116,500.00€1,077 monthly

A timeless design, a contemporary interpretation. The unmistakable silhouette of the 911 is characterised by its iconic flyline. It has barely changed since 1963, and has shaped the DNA of all Porsche models.


From €89,990.00€832 monthly

The soul has many facets. It is variable, constantly in motion – and reveals itself in a variety of ways. By a smile that expresses total delight. Or by the urge for freedom at the wheel of the new Taycan Cross Turismo.


From €99,990.00€925 monthly

Can a vision be logical? Is it even allowed to be? We believe that the more visionary an idea at the start, the more exciting it is at the end and the more it is worth fighting for. That was the case with the Panamera. A sports car for four with impressive performance and comfort.


From €67,200.00€621 monthly

We perceive experiences with all our senses. Of course, this also includes the feeling we have when driving our sports car. The new engine generation captivates with the power and sound typical of a sports car.


From €84,600.00€782 monthly

The Cayenne and Cayenne Coupé: both boast a striking appearance and impressive performance, with up to five seats. Whether you prefer embarking upon your next adventure in the Cayenne together with friends, or fall for the iconic lines of the Coupé, it is purely a matter of personal taste.


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