
The 718 models were made for the sport of it. They are mid-engined roadsters that unite the sporting spirit of the legendary Porsche 718 with the sports car of tomorrow – and transfer it to the roads of today’s world.


A timeless design, a contemporary interpretation. The unmistakable silhouette of the 911 is characterised by its iconic flyline. It has barely changed since 1963, and has shaped the DNA of all Porsche models.


The soul has many facets. It is variable, constantly in motion – and reveals itself in a variety of ways. By a smile that expresses total delight. Or by the urge for freedom at the wheel of the new Taycan Cross Turismo.


Can a vision be logical? Is it even allowed to be? We believe that the more visionary an idea at the start, the more exciting it is at the end and the more it is worth fighting for. That was the case with the Panamera. A sports car for four with impressive performance and comfort.


We perceive experiences with all our senses. Of course, this also includes the feeling we have when driving our sports car. The new engine generation captivates with the power and sound typical of a sports car.


The Cayenne and Cayenne Coupé: both boast a striking appearance and impressive performance, with up to five seats. Whether you prefer embarking upon your next adventure in the Cayenne together with friends, or fall for the iconic lines of the Coupé, it is purely a matter of personal taste.


The 718 models were made for the sport of it. They are mid-engined roadsters that unite the sporting spirit of the legendary Porsche 718 with the sports car of tomorrow – and transfer it to the roads of today’s world.


A timeless design, a contemporary interpretation. The unmistakable silhouette of the 911 is characterised by its iconic flyline. It has barely changed since 1963, and has shaped the DNA of all Porsche models.


The soul has many facets. It is variable, constantly in motion – and reveals itself in a variety of ways. By a smile that expresses total delight. Or by the urge for freedom at the wheel of the new Taycan Cross Turismo.


Can a vision be logical? Is it even allowed to be? We believe that the more visionary an idea at the start, the more exciting it is at the end and the more it is worth fighting for. That was the case with the Panamera. A sports car for four with impressive performance and comfort.


We perceive experiences with all our senses. Of course, this also includes the feeling we have when driving our sports car. The new engine generation captivates with the power and sound typical of a sports car.


The Cayenne and Cayenne Coupé: both boast a striking appearance and impressive performance, with up to five seats. Whether you prefer embarking upon your next adventure in the Cayenne together with friends, or fall for the iconic lines of the Coupé, it is purely a matter of personal taste.

Viena platforma viskam.

Našumas, gravitacinės jėgos, adrenalino antplūdis. Tai mūsų tradicinės vertybės. Tačiau ką mes, Porsche, šiandie galvojame žvelgdami į rytojų? Apie ateities sportinį automobilį, žinoma. Nedarydami jokių kompromisų. Laikydamiesi bendros koncepcijos, kuri apima didžiausią vairavimo malonumą, išmanią įkrovimo infrastruktūrą ir novatorišką prijungiamumą. Ir suteikdami jums pagrindinį vaidmenį – sportinio automobilio vairuotojo.

Partnerystė su IONITY.

„Porsche“ klientai naudojasi patogiu bekompromisiniu mobilumu kelyje. Įsigyjant Taycan, jums suteikiama trejų metų teisė naudotis mūsų bendrosios įmonės ir partnerio IONITY greitojo įkrovimo infrastruktūra, kur galite įkrauti savo automobilį lengvatinėmis kainomis. Kartu su IONITY mes nuolat dirbame kurdami ir plėtodami efektyvią greitojo įkrovimo infrastruktūrą pagrindiniuose Europos keliuose.

Viena platforma viskam.

Naudojantis „Porsche Connect“ paslaugomis, ryšys tarp jūsų ir jūsų automobilio tampa dar glaudesnis. Jūs galite greitai ir lengvai rasti įkrovimo galimybes ir per programėlę valdyti bei stebėti įvairias transporto priemonės funkcijas, pavyzdžiui, pasižiūrėti, kokia yra dabartinė baterijos įkrovos būsena.

Didelio našumo įkrovimas.

Naudojant 800 voltų architektūrą, Taycan kraunamas su įkrovimo energija iki 270 kW ir per 5 minutes įkraunamas tiek, kad nuvažiuotų 100 km (WLTP) optimaliomis sąlygomis. Taigi automobilis visada pasiruošęs tam, ką vairuotojas ketina veikti visą dieną: važiuoti. Optimalios sąlygos: CCS greitojo įkrovimo pagrindas su > 270 kW, > 850 V, nuo 30 C iki 35 C baterijos temperatūra ir 5% pradinė įkrovimo būsena.


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